Fries Mill Road (Gloucester County Route 655)
Washington Township – Monroe Township, – Borough of Clayton, Gloucester County, NJ
- Highway Traffic Analysis
- Wetlands LOI
- Engineering Design
Traffic analysis and design for the 3.8 mile portion of an arterial road from the vicinity of County Route 610 to County Route 689, including existing future traffic analysis, future projections, traffic signal analysis, and accident analysis. Improvements were recommended to mitigate current traffic and safety issues, as well as to provide additional capacity for future growth.
The project was accomplished in 2 Phases
Phase I included:
- Traffic analysis (roadway and intersection movement capacity and levels of service)
- Existing right-of-way plans
- Survey control information
- Concept plans and intersection concepts
- Conceptual right-of-way acquisition requirements
- Conceptual construction cost estimates
- Identification of potential environmental impacts
- Identification of potential stormwater management facility locations
- Confirmation of existing and planned future utilities
- NJDEP Freshwater Wetlands LOI
- Recommendation of the preferred alternative scheme for further development
Phase II included:
- A preliminary depiction of road easement/right-of-way requirements
- Preliminary roadway improvement plans
- Preliminary construction cost estimates
- Definition of environmental impacts and permitting requirements
- Preliminary stormwater management plan and requirements
- Utility relocation requirements and conflicts to be resolved during final design