Memorial Park Dam
- Regular Inspections
- Survey of Dam and Lake
- Hydrologic & Hydraulic Analysis
- Failure/Inundation Analysis
- Spillway Design
- Storm Determination
- Design of Dam Outlet
- Culvert Abandonment
- Construction Plans & Specifications
- Emergency Action Plan
- Operation and Maintenance Plan
City of Vineland, Cumberland, NJ – The City owned and operated recreation impoundment, located along Lincoln Avenue as it crosses the Cedar Branch of the Menantico Creek, is an earthen embankment approximately 600-feet long, containing a two-lane County highway, and a reinforced concrete spillway structure at its western abutment. The present dam does not meet the spillway capacity and freeboard requirements of the Department of Environmental Protection’s (NJDEP) Dam Safety & Flood Control Section (DSFC), and therefore required a hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, failure analysis, spillway design storm determination, and a potential rehabilitation to safely pass the spillway design storm.
The City of Vineland hired CES in 2012 to perform the required hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, failure analysis, spillway design storm determination, and to develop an Emergency Action Plan and Operation & Maintenance Manual for the dam. All calculations, EAP and O&M documents have been reviewed and approved by NJDEP with recommendations for rehabilitation with overtopping protection (armoring). CES also performed an emergency inspection of the existing low-level outlet culvert to evaluate observed leaks and the deteriorated condition of the conduit. CES prepared construction plans, specifications, and permitting for the City to permanently abandon-in-place the existing low-level-outlet culvert.